Saturday, April 24, 2010

Boy friends??!!!!

Here's the topic of the day "The cons and cons of boy friends" (in case u didn't notice, there are no "pros"... all "cons" only)

First let me start off with definition of boyfriends and boy friends. Go ahead, yawn if you must, but please finish reading the definition first. It'll take a load off my head and make me feel more clear. Boyfriends vs Boy friends... A space beteen the words makes a lot of difference.
"...There is a significant difference between boyfriend and boy friend. In a strictly grammatical sense, a boyfriend is an 'individual of significance' with whom one shares a relationship. A girl friend or boy friend, however, is simply a friend identified on the basis of gender...."

Boy friends... I used to think that having n number of boy friends was all a woman can ask for a happy independant life.. You get all the freedom and fun. No rules, no expectations. All play and no work. Etc. etc. I used to think all that for many years, but now???!!!!. I've few of the most awesome/awful (can't decide which word to pick, but i know u'll understand) guys as friends. They make me so mad at times that its a wonder i've not injured any one of them. Not yet anyway.

Won't believe me? Here i've the list ready, based on real life experiences.
Cons of having boy friends:
1) No support when you are sad.
When am sad they give some one-liners like 'It happens', 'It'll pass', 'Its ok' with the kind of empty face devoid of any kind of emotion. If my pride hasn't stopped me, i would have screamed and said 'Buddy, i don't want you to cry along with me, but atleast act like you are almost about to cry at my misery. A tear drop or two welling up in your eyes, is it too much to ask for. A woman needs her drama you know...'

2) No support when you are feeling senti.
When i feel senti or attached to them, they say people come and go. Make new friends and be happy wherever you go. (Hello, are you agreeing with them?? You are reading my blog and so you are on my side. Agree with me ok) Be practical they say. How stupid is that. Hit them on the head and that should fix their wierd way of thinking.

3) No support when you feel talkative.
If i chat for a bit longer(ok way more longer) than a sentence or two at a stretch, there will be no response from the other side. I panic at that point wondering if they ran away somewhere to hide and keep checking with "U thr?" after every few sentences or so. If they respond with "Yes", i sigh with relief and continue my monologue again till the next "U thr".
If i go and see my chat history, it will be full of my dialogues with the response from the other side very very rare, scattered here and there, i need to search very keenly that. Its 99.99% solo chat. I could as well be talking to myself.

But there are times, more often than not, when it feels really so wonderful to have them by my side. The fun time together and the kind of support they give... Its so wonderful, that i feel like going back and strike off all those cons above.
If not erase those, then atleast rephrase them as pros below.
1) The times when i felt sad - Their stupid one-liners made me stop crying and made me strong (No use crying when noone's joining you anyway)
2) The times when i felt senti - Their practical advice, somehow filled with unspoken care sounds so soothing... made a mature, practical (hmm, almost practical) person out of me.
3) The times when i felt talkative - Their patience in hearing me out (lets forget about their silence part for now, i don't need their response anyway, i just wanted to talk).. it makes me feel that even if they are slowly going crazy with all my incessant chatter, they will never shut me up(ok, there are times when they ask me to keep quiet, but i don't stop even then, so lets ignore those times also for now). Makes me feel they'll always be there even when am being silly and stupid.

((yawn)) Reading my own list makes me sleepy.
Lets end it here for now before the list increases...

Dedicated to all my stupid boy friends about whom this was written.
And ofcourse to all my girl friends, without whose calming presence, i would have killed those guys by now.

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