Monday, April 26, 2010

Stranger in the mirror

There's a scary movie(Hindi movie, Naina) in which the heroine looks into the mirror and screams out in horror.
No, no, no, she's not screaming abt her make-up or appearance (she's beautiful!!)... its bcoz instead of seeing her own reflection, a stranger's face stares back at her from the mirror.... Oooooohhh.. the scariest thing that can ever happen in my opinion.
I would have a massive heart attack if i look into mirror and find Aish(no matter how beautiful she looks ;)) in my mirror reflection.
Ever since i saw that movie, i felt thankful to find my dear own familiar face in the mirror and noone else.

Years passed by since i saw the movie and then something happened which reminded me of that scene and the words "Stranger in the mirror" kept playing on and on in my head.
I lost my so called identity that time...
We define ourselves with few things in life like job, relationship, wealth, beauty, possessions, skills and so on. When one or more become so important to us, such things becomes an identity... something to define who we are.
When we lose that part of us, then comes the identity crisis.
When i used to look into the mirror during that time, i no longer knew the person looking back at me.
The smile is different, the eyes are different, the thoughts are different, everything... in short, a stranger in the mirror.

I used to stand before the mirror, looking at my reflection, hoping it would give back my definition or atleast redefine who i am. (Its not crazy, our mirror images do talk to us, don't u ever watch movies??)
Anyways nothing of that sort happened.
Every time i looked into the mirror, used to silently say hi to the stranger in the mirror. Maybe that should have been the point to go for psychotherapy, but friends therapy worked out all right for me.

Best medicine and diet when you are depressed or lost - its the brain of your friends. Keep eating it and you'll be perfectly fine over a period of time (Can't say the state of your friend after that though).
I talked and talked till i got the drama out of my system (i still keep talking, too much drama inside me).
And here i am - Happy and Healthy.

Alls well that ends well.
I still don't know the woman in the mirror, but i love her anyway.
Discovering myself day by day and refuse to define myself with any external factor. My identity is under construction, and i guess it'll always be.

'The day i stop changing is the day i start dying.'

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